Friday 27 April 2012

Exam practice

S4 and S5 have been working hard on exam practice in art, computing and chemistry this week.

S3 design studies

S3 have been studying the Italian fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli this week. She was a very unusual, innovative designer who
was constantly pushing forward the boundaries of fashion.

This is a photo of her and of one of her most famous designs, the surreal 'shoe hat':


The last of the S4/5 folios were completed today. They are now all ready to be sent to the SQA for assessment! Good luck everyone!
This is Euan's finished forest mask:

And his completed folio solution sheet:

Scott worked hard on his folio solution sheet:

Monday 23 April 2012

S3 keynotes in history

S3 are setting the criteria against which they will be marked for their next keynotes in history.

The class are working hard and are now making the transition into producing work that is of a standard expected in S4.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Happy Easter

Thank you to so many parents and friends who attended our Easter Service. I'm sure you'll agree that the children's readings and singing went very well. We wish you a blessed Easter and look forward to seeing you on the 23rd April.

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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Final design

Scott completed his final design piece this week - a hat based around the theme of global warming:

Monday 2 April 2012

History day...

It's our history day! Everyone from P1-S6 is dressing up as a famous person from history who has inspired them. Watch the blogs for photos throughout the day...

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